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•A real estate broker or salesperson has a special obligation to exercise integrity in the discharge of his responsibilities, including employment of prudence and caution so as to avoid misrepresentation, in any ways, by acts of commission or omission.


•It is the obligation of a real estate agent to be knowledgeable as a real estate brokerage practitioner. He should:

•Broker responsibility of real estate agent across the globe has mainly been guided by the Canons of Professional Ethics and Conduct for real estate agents (ERCAAN). The following are the most professionally important as adaptation to be qualify and quantify with Professional Ethics and Conduct.


•A real estate broker or salesperson, while acting as an agent for another, is a fiduciary. Special Obligations are imposed when such fiduciary relationship are created. The Client demands:

•(A) Real estate agent must be informed on market conditions affecting the real estate business and pledged to continuing education in the intricacies involved in marketing real estate for others;

•(B) Real estate agent must be informed on national, state, and local issues and developments in the real estate industry in Nigeria and around the world. Exercise judgment and professional real estate skill to perform of his work.

•(C) Faithful performance: It is often referred to as the duty of obedience, faithful performance means that agents must obey all legal instructions given by their principal, applying their best efforts and diligence to carry out the objectives of the agency relationship.

•(D) Loyalty: This means simply the real estate agents must put the interest of the principal above all other interest, including their own. If you are representing the owner, the agent must keep the buyer informed on all the matters that affect the sale of the listed property and to promote and protect the owner’s interests. It is the same thing when representing the buyer, the agent must keep the buyer informed of any negative features that may be material to the buyer. This may cause the agent to lose a sale while protecting the interest of the client